Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Book of Paul Trailer 1

Monday, September 30, 2013

Could Physical Reality really be a Dream?

Could Physical Reality really be a Dream?

Are you having a dream that lasts a lifetime?  Can reality be universal dream of a cosmic mind?  What if the answer is yes?

If this reality was some type of dream, then there should be some evidence which shows a relationship between the dream world and the waking world.  The first red-flag that comes to mind is directly connected to something known as "Precognitive Dreaming".  The idea of precognition spans the written record and Aristotle in 350B.C.E wrote a paper entitled, "On Prophesying by Dreams" where he debated the notion that people in his time were describing having these types of dreams.

Edit: Here is an excellent paper written by Timothy Conway that details historical accounts where people through-out the ages have come to this realization: "This is all a Dream [PDF]"

Deja Vu which is a very common type experience which most people have, is a feeling that comes with a type of deja vu aura where new settings, events and circumstances bring a strong sense of familiarity as if you had been there before.  What is not so widely known about the deja phenomena is many people link the source of memory which brings about the familiarity to something they dreamed about in the past.  For a comprehensive list of precognitive dream types and examples and evidence I recommend reading my paper, "Theory of Precognitive Dreams" which is open source and freely available on-line.  Read: Theory of Precognitive Dreams [PDF]

Frequency studies as mentioned in that paper predict statistically that you could already be one of those types of people who already have first-person experiences with dreams that come true.  If science can finally answer this age old phenomena of precognitive dreams; then we will see the first use-case where dreams and reality have a relationship which will help reveal this covert relationship between dreams and this reality.

The next red-flag comes from experiments in quantum mechanics which show that our reality is not exactly as physical as we believe it to be.  When physicists first discovered particle/wave duality, this caused quite a stir in the physics community.  What this means is sub-atomic particles could behave like a wave, or like a particle based on certain conditions.

When an electron is not being measured or observed it creates an interference pattern which is like a ripple in water that creates the wave pattern or interference pattern.  When observed it behaves as physical particles.

"Quantum Theory Demonstrated: Observation Affects Reality"

"In a study reported in the February 26 issue of Nature (Vol. 391, pp. 871-874), researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have now conducted a highly controlled experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons is affected by the act of being observed. The experiment revealed that the greater the amount of "watching," the greater the observer's influence on what actually takes place."
Read More:

If you thought it was just the sub-atomic particle that behaved this way, an entire molecule of Carbon atoms which form the Carbon-60 molecule known as a buckyball also shows interference patterns.

"Wave-particle duality seen in carbon-60 molecules"

"The Vienna team sent a collimated beam of carbon-60 molecules through a slit made of silicon nitride and detected the interference pattern by ionizing the molecules with a laser and then counting the ions."

Read More:

What determines when a particle or atom should be have as a wave-form or a solid state is one of the mind-boggling questions for Physics.  One of the answers to this new problem comes from Physicist Tom Campbell who worked for Nasa and the Department of Defence.  He describes the collapse of wave-function as a requirement only when the larger-system renders the particle because we exist in a Virtual Reality.  His theory which is extensive and covers more than just the virtual reality theory  describes that in a virtual reality, the computer doesn't need to render all the data on the hard-drive so to speak, just the data that is being observed.  This means when we are observing a moment in time/space only the information required to render out the experience is being rendered into particles.  To bring you up to speed on this theory here is a link to his youtube channel and videos.

The idea that we are living in a virtual reality is also described by many other mathematicians and physicists such as Nick Bolstrom, Brian Whitworth and Mark Wheeler to name a few.  This has spawned a new branch of physics called digital physics and a theory called simulation theory.

For more details I have written an article which covers this in some greater detail called, "Time and space are not what you think."

If reality is simply information that is accessed by an observer which in turn a computer-like system then renders that data into particles; were lies the relationship between the observer and the observed in this equation?  This brings us back to what dreams are, and how they fit in to this reality system as a whole.

The first idea that must be addressed is the flow of information from the server to the client in a virtual reality.  This information is what we call a datastream which is simply information.  It is up to the client to process this information and render the data into some meaningful view.  If we look at objective reality as information; then this information represents the physical datastream which through our physical senses we download the data, process the data and render a final product of the data in a meaningful view.

This relationship between objective data and our selves as the client observing this data is already self-evident.  We may not recognize as the observer how important the mechanics of perception and information processing by the brain is; nor see how fundamental the final rendered product of this information actually is.  It's importance in my opinion is beyond the scope of just physical reality and deeply connects to the dreamstate and any other state we may find ourselves in where information is being rendered into a view from any caveat of consciousness in it's many altered states.

Why is it self-evident that you are rendering data from the objective world using your physical senses as the inputs that download this information?  If you want to see this in action, close your eyes and the final-product of the mind rendering visual information will stop.  Open them again and you will continue to render visual information.  Where are you rendering this information is important to understanding this fundamental this final-product of information processing and rendering by the brain actually is.

Unlike a computer which uses a computer screen that provides the feedback of what binary information looks like at the information level, our body does not have a physical computer screen whereby it renders our perception of reality.  The brain which is simply a neural network of neurons has to simulate the computer screen in a virtual way. 

It's worth mentioning how through the ages philosophers tackled this relationship between what the mind generates and what the observer observes dates back to Plato's Cave analogy.  Rene Descartes recognized that the brain preformed some type of pre-processing on sensory input and projected this into some kind of internal screen where a "little man" the homunculus sat in the seat of the soul which resided in the pineal gland, and this has become known as "The Cartesian Theatre".  Anthony Peake a British Author further expands this idea into what he calls the "Bohmian IMAX".

In many ways, this internal theatre acts like a holodeck like we see in Star Trek as it simulates 3d space, time and every sensory quality of perception in a meaningful way.  This doesn't mean however that every detail exactly represents what is out there in the objective datastream.  Our senses are very limited and the brain does fill in the blanks as is evident by this simple optical illusion provided in this link:

These subjective differences in how the brain processes sensory information is evident in how a colour blind person perceives the objective data which would appear different to a person who is not colour blind.  These subjective qualities are also recognized as something called, "Qualia" or the experience of reality but does not imply what the experience is as having total objectivity.  This is likely why some people prefer chocolate ice-cream and others vanilla.  Why some like country music and others prefer classical rock.  How we perceive our reality is filtered and rendered subjectively; what that implies is that we only see is our experience of reality in a filtered down little-world view.

That doesn't mean it completely omits what is out there in the objective datastream; our brain does an amazing job of putting all that information together in a very close approximation. If it didn't we would likely never be able to drive cars en mass as everyone would be crashing and causing all sorts of mayhem.  We wouldn't have accurate measurements down to the micron because what we do have in terms of resolution and is a very close approximation of that objective data.

Again, if you feel that you are not simply observing an experience of reality in this Cartesian Theatre simply close your eyes and it will become very apparent that what you are experiencing is a mind-generated rendering, a final product based on information processing and data inputs through the physical body.  Thus we see the client (you and your body) and the server (objective reality) in terms of a metaphorical relationship.

How does dreaming stack up in terms of datastreams and information processing?  Is there a relationship between the Cartesian Theatre and how our dream content is rendered?  The answer in my opinion is again self-evident that when we are asleep and dreaming, the content of the dream is also rendering on the same Cartesian Theatre that our sensory-perceptions when we are awake are rendering on.

What is interesting to note with dreams however is the dream datastream.  What is programming and encoding this datastream?  What are the inputs downloading that data?  We already know where that data is being rendered so we need to look closer at the first two questions.

Dream content is mind-generated meaning many unconscious processes are involved directly linked to you, and your own consciousness whereby what you think during a dream; renders out into a view on the Cartesian Theatre.  Dreams themselves when we are actively having them often appear as real as our waking life.  For most people, they do not realize they were actually in a dream until they wake up.

This is not an uncommon occurrence for most people.  Dreams can translate into spectacular virtual reality simulations rich with both content and sensory feedback.  They can appear physical and solid.  You can simulate sight, hearing, touch and even taste and smell during a dream.  Hot/Cold and pain can also be experienced during a dream depending on how sensory aware you are during them. 

Like cheat-codes in computer games, lucid dreamers can experience "God" mode where the dream content doesn't hurt them, or "no-clipping" mode where they can pass through walls and objects in the dream state.  Just an interesting observation and fun to note for you gamers out there.

For a more comprehensive look at dreaming, I've also written a free e-book entitled, "You Are Dreaming" which you can freely download here: You Are Dreaming Free eBook [PDF]

In understanding that a dream reality is a virtual reality created by a system of consciousness, it is also important to note that you are that system of consciousness that is creating your dream content.  It's prudent to dismiss yourself as the director of your dream content assuming you lack the aptitude to control your dreams.  It's more important to note that you may just be in the passenger's seat of your unconscious processes rather in the driver's seat which is why lucid dreaming becomes vital for better dream control and exploration.

What we do know about dreams is the fact they can be very real when we have them, and the reasons for that can be directly linked to how information is processed and rendered on this Cartesian Theatre.  Both dreams and reality render there, and both offer unique experiences directly related to you, the observer.

If we examine dreams, there is another self-evident fact regarding what programs the dream and also what the dream content is rendered as.  We know that every detail from light, colour, sound and objects including 3d space itself in a dream is the final rendering of information processing.  Unlike atoms and Boson's dreams content is made up of a more fundamental rudimentary "bit", and that "bit" is thought.  Thought is the programming language of dreams and is the most fundamental component of that system.  If physical reality is simply a much larger dream at a Universal scale then it would also hold true that thought programs the objective datastream as well. 

Which makes thought very important for both objective reality and dreams so raising some conjecture regarding this topic is very important to understanding some deep underlying mechanics of reality as a whole.  Fortunately, there are some simple self-evident exercises that can help you see thought in action as to how it programs the Cartesian Theatre and how the Theatre simply responds to thought in the most profound way.

When we often think of thought, we associate it to the inner-voice which represents our inner-monologue which is a sub-vocalization in our conditioned language.  When you read this text you should have a faint auditory sound of your voice reading out each word.  This is thought in the form of sound providing feedback on your Cartesian Theatre.

When you imagine an apple for example with your eyes closed.  The visual image of an apple will appear on this canvas in a faint way.  The more you relax and focus on this visual form of thinking, the more contrast and resolution will occur and the image can become much more vivid and crisp.

This ability to think in sensory forms is not limited to just sound and thought.  You can apply the same attention-focusing techniques to taste, touch and smell.  This is most evident when you are falling asleep and the dream starts to take shape.  Dreams simply perfect in action how our thoughts form complex sensory feedback on the Cartesian Theatre.  This is very self-evident for lucid dreamers or people who pay attention to their thoughts when falling asleep.

This more advance sensory-form of thinking is a type of language.  A form of non-verbal communication between aspects of yourself.  Sigmund Freud recognized that our consciousness was compartmentalized and composed of what he felt was the id, ego, super-ego and unconscious.  How these parts communicate amongst themselves is related to these variances in verbal and non-verbal communication.  You already see in action how these systems work to produce very elaborate dreams during sleep.

What if this network of consciousness of which we are a part of extends to the Universe itself?  Some kind of cosmic mind whereby we are all individual parts; yet still connected?  How would this larger part communicate to it's smaller parts?  How would the smaller parts interpret that language and communication? 

Through precognitive dreams for those of you who have them, you are already seeing in action how a dream, which is composed entirely of thought represents a future event.  When the dream actualizes the dream seems to materialize as an event in objective reality.  For those of you who do not, well that missing ingredient is very helpful in understanding this covert relationship between thought and the reality it creates.

This possibility that physical reality could also be derived from dreaming or thought is not a new idea.  The question really remains if it's true, how do you see this within your own experiences?  And if you can accept that possibility... what next?   

Many of these ideas are either touched on or expanded on in the following abstract and book:

Abstract: Theory of Precognitive Dreams [PDF]

Book: You Are Dreaming [PDF]

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Time and Space are not what you think!

See: "Theory of Precognitive Dreams"  and ""You Are Dreaming - eBook"

To better understand why Time and Space may be completely different then our current view we must start at particle/wave duality.  For those of you who do not know what particle/wave duality is. It is an observed effect in Quantum Mechanics where sub-atomic particles and atoms behave either as wave-forms or form solid particles under certain conditions.

This was brought to light with the double-slit experiment: and has baffled some of the greatest minds in Physics ever since.

In 1999 more research proved that larger atoms like Carbon-60 the molecules they form known as buckyballs also show particle/wave duality which means entire atoms AND molecules exist as a wave-function and collapse into a physical particle.

Most physicists don't understand why this is; but the answer changes everything we know about reality being a "physical world" as these experiments are proving that physicality only happens under observation and measurement.

It is this paradox in atomic behaviours between the quantum and macro world which is revealing that reality could be something else, it could be digital information.

Physicist Tom Campbell describes the wave-function state as a probability distribution that collapses into solid particles when the "system" renders the information.  He states implicitly that we all exist in a virtual reality.

And he's not alone.  Other Mathematicians and Physicists are coming to this conclusion such as Brian Whitworth, Nick Bolstrom and many others.  There is even a branch of physics that is gaining a stronger reputation called Digital Physics and new theories about the cosmos called Simulation Theory because mathematically this is far more supported and likely that reality is a digital information system that is rendering; than an actual physical material world.

If this is true, then time and space likely do not exist as we believe.  In a virtual reality, time is simply a refresh rate between frames being rendered by a cosmic computer.

Space is then a mathematical illusion of vector calculations that simulates space only; but the distance between things at the information level can have very little space if any at all.

If this were true, then the same particle could exist in two places in space at the same time; as space is simply a Cartesian mathematical simulation.  We could literally have one particle in two locations in space at the same time.

This also means, we are all likely existing in a much smaller Universe than we see represented in the mathematical simulation of the physical universe.  In many respects, we could all be existing in the event horizon of a Singularity, and in the Singularity.

This is also known as the Holographic Principle which suggests our Universe is a hologram with supporting mathematics.

It is very likely at some point where science in the main stream will announce that reality is a simulation simply because the evidence that this is so presents itself in quantum mechanics and heavily supported much better than a physical system by mathematics.

Welcome to the Singularity.

Here is an excellent interview with Dean Radin and Tom Campbell discussing much of the above:

This is another video which describes the double-slit related to virtual reality theory.

Articles and Papers
This is an experiment where the same entangled photon is measured over a distance of 10 miles and theoretically effect can happen over light-years.

This is the UCAL resonator which scales up quantum effect into the macro world producing a switch that is both ON and OFF at the SAME time.

Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation
Huffington Post UK  |  By Michael Rundle   

"Physicists have devised a new experiment to test if the universe is a computer.

A philosophical thought experiment has long held that it is more likely than not that we're living inside a machine.

The theory basically goes that any civilisation which could evolve to a 'post-human' stage would almost certainly learn to run simulations on the scale of a universe. And that given the size of reality - billions of worlds, around billions of suns - it is fairly likely that if this is possible, it has already happened."

Read More:

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Theory of Precognitive Dreams

For those of you interested in Precognitive Dreams, I would like to present a new abstract that I've written entitled, "The Theory of Precognitive Dreams" edits and contributions by Dr. Art Funkhouser.

The paper described and categorizes precognitive dream experience into lower-order and higher-order groups,  provides compelling research and evidence in favor of precognition,  details how to lucid dream and explore this particular experience in first-person and provides theory as to why it occurs.

This should prove to be a valuable asset for those of you who have this experience and insightful for those who do not.

Here is the link for the paper.  If you like, please share as it's public domain.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Dream that Saved My Life

Have you ever had a dream come true? I have. Many times since I was 15 years old. Having dreamed of tragic events, a cousin dying, a neighbor committing suicide, it never occurred to me that one day I might dream of my death.

That dream came in October 2012 when in the dream, I was driving my car and turned down a snow covered hill. It was virgin snow, no cars had been down this route and was dark. My daughter was in the back seat of the car. The hill ended at a T section and when I tried to stop, the snow covered hill revealed that underneath the snow was black ice. The car slid through the stop sign and a white truck smashed the driver side door. I woke up in shock at the literal realism and details of the dream.

Having had many precognitive dreams in the past, and the fact this concerned my daughter I reconsidered what tires I had set out for the winter. I had two winter tires and two all seasons that got me through the last winter just fine. Until the dream, changing this tire set wasn't an option. However, reviewing the details of the dream I couldn't dismiss the foreboding sense of doom that it conveyed. After speaking about it with my mother, I opted to buy 4 brand new winter tires and have them studded just in case this dream was precognitive.

What made this interesting is where I live studs are not a requirement and the Walmart clerk certainly made it known that I shouldn't waste my time on having studs put on the tire. He showed me several different brands and I kept insisting on the best winters that supported studs. Finally in the end, I had the tires I wanted.

It would be the first winter in 24 years of driving that I would put studded winter tires on my car.

That winter, I was house sitting to avoid a commute between cities for work. Having my daughter I set out early to her day care and took an alternate route. It was a fresh snowfall and I took a the back-roads concerned that the highway driving might be too dangerous having had some close calls on the first day of snow in the past.

On the back route however, I was the only car that had driven as no other tracks were present. Making a right on the only hill that connects to where my destination was, I was suddenly confronted with the same scenario that I had previously dreamt.

By the time I remembered the dream, it was at the same spot where I started braking to stop on the hill. Like the dream foretold, there was black ice under the road and even with the studded winter tires, the car slid horribly and I panicked. Uncertain if I could even stop, I started to honk the horn to warn on coming traffic. Fortunately, the studs were digging into the black ice and when I was about a foot past the stop sign, the car stopped. Just as the white truck drove full speed less than a foot in front of me.

This certainly has made me grateful for these kinds of dreams and now, I can honestly say I owe precognitive dreaming my life. When my daughter grows up uninjured and still has a father, she can be thankful I changed the outcome of the dream by simply changing a set of tires. A life saving choice anyway you look at it.